Monday, January 27, 2014

Hotter Than Hades

this week i went back to Butiá to baptize a family i taught.... that was fun.... every one was super happy to see me again... i cant imagine how it must be to see my recent converts in the celestial kingdom.... i was super happy to see my man euclides (i baptized him and conceição 16 nov.).... (yup thats him making the gangster face) haha buuut ya theyre super firm and they are taking tons of families to the church... its awesome,
buuuut ya....

i got  a new comp. elder gomes.  we´re best friends. i love this guy.... we were trained by the same person. elder bordolli. so the way we work is very similar..

buuut ya this week was hotter than hades and i hope it gets cooler soon

Elder Maynez Jr.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

It's 2014!

first email of 2014!

its crazy how fast this year went by! i hope the new year comes with many new goals blessings and growth.
my mission is full of challenges and that means opportunities to learn and grow.  Today i studied about the nature of God. also lately ive studied about the Expiação.... the sacrifice Christ did for us.  

I know that God lives. he´s aware of all of our challenges and needs.  He loves each and every one of us.  He knows us by name.  He put us here to learn not to suffer.  We need to trust in Him and if we do that we´ll be helped in our trials and tests.  

He gives us every thing we need to make it back to our celestial mansion.  We just need to do our part and be diligent.  If we do our part we´ll make it home safely.  God has already done His part.  

I love my Heavenly Father and my eternal family.  Be good and stay safe.  See you in a few!